$ 149.00 USD

The Honorable Character Public/Private Classroom Set promotes positive behaviors in your students focusing on 14 positive traits, each with a supporting sentence. The Honorable Character Recording Chart tracks constructive behaviors. In addition, parents receive weekly communication on the reproducible Honorable Character Conduct Card.

NEW additions on Premium Classroom Sets only - added THINKSheets to reinforce character traits and extra, additional Character Posters to hang in hallways, libraries, cafeterias, etc.

Each Premium Classroom Set includes:

    • ACCESS to HONORABLE CHARACTER™ CPE Approved Web-Based Training Modules for 30 days.
    • HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Trait Poster (17" x 27") lists 14 positive traits, each with a supporting sentence.
    • HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Recording Chart (17" x 27") tracks constructive behaviors while ensuring equality of recognition.
    • HONORABLE CHARACTER™ THINKSheets (Level 1 and Level 2)
    • HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Teacher Support Binder (1/2") includes:
        • Reproducible Conduct Card (promotes weekly teacher-to-parent connection)
        • Helpful Hints and Instructions (provides at-a-glance guidelines for teachers)
        • Record of Conduct Form (streamlines weekly record-keeping)
        • Reproducible Think Sheet (offers an example of a character correction tool)
        • Specialty Class Conduct Form (simplifies communication between teachers)
        • Character Trait Examples (inspires teachers of tangible ways traits are exhibited)
        • Sheet of YIELD and STOP cut-out signs (provides a visible tool for character correction)
        • Sample Individual Behavioral Plan (IBP)
    • Extra, additional HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Trait Posters (17" x 27") 


Each Standard Classroom Set includes:

    • ACCESS to HONORABLE CHARACTER™ CPE Approved Web-Based Training Modules for 30 days.
    • HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Trait Poster (17" x 27") lists 14 positive traits, each with a supporting sentence.
    • HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Recording Chart (17" x 27") tracks constructive behaviors while ensuring equality of recognition.
      • Reproducible Conduct Card (promotes weekly teacher-to-parent connection)
      • Helpful Hints and Instructions (provides at-a-glance guidelines for teachers)
      • Record of Conduct Form (streamlines weekly record-keeping)
      • Character Reinforcement Form (offers an example of a character correction tool) 

       Downloadable support materials: 

               1) click on link at check-out; OR
               2) click on link sent to your email