What is the HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Home Set?
The Honorable Character Home Set was adapted for home after the successful launch of the Honorable Character Classroom Management System. Because its emphasis is on the positive, the frustrations of nagging and negative discipline are eliminated. The Home Set incorporates monetary principles, including saving, giving, and delayed gratification. An additional benefit provided by the Home Set is the cultivation of positive sibling relationships. Parents ‘catch’ their children exhibiting positive behaviors, recognizing and rewarding their good choices by recording them on the Honorable Character Character and Job Chart.
What if a job is too advanced for my child?
Parents can simplify jobs on the Honorable Character Character and Job Chart, or postpone a task until they believe it is age-appropriate for their child.
What happens if my child does not make a wise choice?
The beauty of the Honorable Character Home Set is its positive approach. Parents ‘catch’ their children making honorable choices, greatly reducing nagging and the need for correction. If a child behaves unwisely or needs guidance developing a character trait, parents take recommended steps to hold the child accountable. The heart of the HC Home Set is to keep children aware of their choices and encourage personal responsibility.
If I buy the HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Home Set, do I need the Web-Based Training Modules?
The Web-Based Training Modules are specifically designed for classroom teachers. However, they would be helpful for moms and teachers at home as well. Note: These modules do not address the money management portion of the Home Set.
Do I need to purchase an HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Character and Job Chart pad for each child?
Yes. The Honorable Character Character and Job Chart pad has 55 sheets, providing a one-year supply per child.
How can I implement the HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Home Set when I am away from home?
Children seldom forget to record positive marks! When away from home, allow your children to take responsibility for remembering to mark the chart when they return. For younger children, parents can make a note on their cell phones.
If my children are being cared for by another individual, can the HONORABLE CHARACTER™ Home Set be implemented?
Yes. Introduce the individual to the system. Children can earn double points with someone other than a parent.