Schoolwide Package
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If you are not quite sure yet and want to learn more, you can schedule a Q&A zoom call with HC's creator here.
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If you are not quite sure yet and want to learn more, you can schedule a Q&A zoom call with HC's creator here.
The Character Trait Poster lists character qualities needed for successful interpersonal relationships and ethical behavior. When teachers recognize students' positive character throughout the day, students learn the importance of core character values like respect, kindness, responsibility, self-control, and cooperation.
The Teacher Resource Binder is full of teacher-made resources to simplify and support implementing the Honorable Character System into the classroom.
The Recording Chart tracks constructive behaviors while ensuring recognition of all children.
The Conduct Card provides a consistent, positive way for teachers to build authentic school-family partnerships. Teachers inform parents of their child's honorable choices and correction marks via this simple, weekly communication tool.
The Web-based Honorable Character (HC) Training Modules ensure that teachers are ready to implement the HC positive mindset in their classrooms. Teachers may also schedule personal consultation(s) via email or video conference with an Expert HC Trainer.
This system was designed over 30 years ago by teachers, for teachers. Its emphasis is on the positive. Teachers ‘catch’ students exhibiting positive behaviors, recognizing and rewarding their good choices by recording them on a classroom chart.
No. The Honorable Character Classroom Management System provides everything needed.
The Honorable Character Classroom Management System can be easily incorporated into a single classroom. Although an individual teacher can use the HC System, it is designed for school-wide use. When an entire campus implements the system, students return each year knowing classroom behavioral expectations. Campus-wide implementation maximizes instructional time. Optimal results are achieved when used school-wide.
Absolutely! If you are in the middle of a semester there are ways to slowly introduce the system without overwhelming the kids (or yourself!).
Each Honorable Character Trait Poster lists 14 honorable characteristics. Preschool lists 6 traits. Teachers look for students exhibiting these traits. All character traits are based on moral principles which are esteemed and valued by everyone.
Each classroom has an Honorable Character Recording Chart on the wall. Teachers ‘catch’ honorable behavior choices and record them by students’ names on the chart. Parents are informed weekly of their child’s honorable choices.
When this system is used throughout the entire school, any honorable character ‘caught’ while in other classes is recorded on the homeroom chart when students return. Students appreciate receiving praise from all teachers.
Yes. The beauty of the Honorable Character Classroom Management System is its positive approach. As a prevention-based system, teachers ‘catch’ students making honorable choices, thus greatly reducing the need for correction.
If a student behaves unwisely or needs guidance developing a character trait, the teacher takes recommended steps to hold the student accountable. The heart of the HC System is to keep students aware of their choices and to support teachers in providing restorative opportunities.