...it trained me to look for the Christ-like character in my students rather than focusing on the issues. And in return, we begin to see the students for who they are, image-bearers of God. Not only does this change relationships between student and teacher, but that overflows into every area of life.
I tell people part of my ministry in teaching is becoming increasingly devoted to the parents of my students. Especially the kids who have a harder time being caught in their image-bearing moments. Through Honorable Character, I have a new vocabulary to give hope to students and their parents. The best way I can describe HC is through Romans 12:2... Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
I was the parent, who at one time, desperately needed to hear that someone saw a glimpse of God's image in my child. I am the one who needed reminding that each child is so perfectly designed, uniquely gifted for God's call and kingdom. It is my joy and pleasure to pass that reminder on to those around me.